1.中文姓名/Name (in Chinese, if applicable):
2.护照用名(英文)/Passport Name (in English)
姓/Family Name:
名/Given Name:
18.受教育情况/Education Background:
20.是否曾在有关机构学习中文/Have you ever studied Chinese in any institution?
If your answer is yes, please write down the name of the institution:
21. 是否参加过往届"汉语桥"活动/Did you ever attend previous Chinese Bridge—Chinese Proficiency Competition?
选手本人签字/Signature of the applicant:
与选手关系Relationship | 姓名Name | 家庭电话Home Phone No. | 移动电话Mobile Phone No. |
监护人签字/ Signature of the applicant's guardian: 日期/Date:
<!– 个人简历 Resume –> |
驻 使(馆)教育(文化)(其他,请填写 )处(组)
签字盖章/Official Signature: 日期/Date: